Saturday, May 29, 2010

Update May 29

Jay says it's tough to breathe, and tought to talk. He's scared about the prognosis of the infection, and whether it will come back and attack him again. It is day 2 after the surgery, and he is alone with all these dark thoughts in his head. The doctors still don't know where the mystery infection came from, what kind of bacteria or virus it is, and whether or not it will come back.

He will be on IV antibiotics for at least 8 weeks after he is released some time early this coming week. He will not be able to resume any semblence of a normal life for at least that long, since he will be connected to a walking IV tube.

The docs and lab here at Northwestern are trying to re-grow the bacteria that he had in a petri dish so they can look at it, but that process takes days. Poor Jay! Keep sending your healing thoughts and energy. He can use all the positive thoughts he can get right now.


  1. remind him that he has friends from the many places he has touched praying and pulling for him.
    Mike Z, Atlanta

  2. Jay, it has been a long time since we talked. i know you have been through a lot. On a much smaller scale, I kind of know what you are going through. One week before Nationals, I was doing a run for final peaking. I felt great. I fell while running on a relatively flat trail. I tore my quad tendons totally away from my knee. I had surgery the next week, and after a lot of healing, i am now starting Physical Therapy. i can walk, but my left leg is weak as a baby. No strength and I can now bend it a whole 120 degrees.Probably 3-4 more months before I can run slow. Maybe bike in a couple weeks slow with no watts. Couldnt do Nats or 70.3 worlds. You just never know what is around the corner. enjoy the moment. Jon Adamson
