Jon,Jesse and yours truly after passing my test at the Monkey Bar Gym Madison intensive certification training this past week
I have been in Madison WI for the past week taking a Certified Natural trainer certification at the Monkey Bar Gymnasium. The MBG is a functional training center developed by Jon Hinds. Jon is about my age and a complete stud. He was a Brazilian jujitsu gold medalist in the pan am games. In this class we are learning to teach the proper progressions of running, jumping, crawling, climbing and so on. Jon believes as I do in the physical culture. I can tell you that being a Triathlete primarily in my life has not prepared me for this type of training. I completely suck at it presently. But I am challenged to get better. And as a teacher of fitness, bring my clients to a new level of physicality. There are 25 of us in class and some of these guys and girls can do stuff I could not dream of doing. Here is a video of Rick who trains in a group called the Bar-Barians in NY. Unbelievable stuff!
The Monkey Bar Gym style of training combines not only the physical skill but bundles them in a way that will challenge all levels of fitness. It also uses cycles and variety to keep everyone motivated and focused on improving. At The MBG, Yoga, skill training and Nutrition are the 3 parts of the philosophy. Check out Jon's Blog to get a feel of the enthusiasm of his passion for fitness and health.
On the nutrition side. Jon believes in at at least a 90% plant based diet(My buddy Steve I am sure will give me hell). He references the Book The china study and brought in an expert to explain the benefits of what he calls nutrient rich eating. seeing how strong Jon and Jesse are eating only plant based, I am a bit more convinced in this way of eating. The point he makes is that once you eat this way for a while( 6mo or so) you will get off the crack habit of nutrient poor foods( ie meat, dairy, refined).
I feel like I learned a lot at this class/certification and can use many of the techniques with all my clients for years to come. I did have some fun away from the 10hrs a day of instruction. I met a cool kid named Erik, who is a cyclist/nordic skier( ex rugby player) that lives in Madison. we went on a nice bike ride around Madison and even went for a roller ski. But was better was after Friday's class we yondered to an after hours keger with the bike mechanics at his bike shop(cronometer?)(super fun and good thing there were no pictures. then I wound up a the hotel bar drinking some pints with a bunch of British/Irish breeders of Clydsdale horses! really funny---That explains why when I first got to town and rode my bike around the capital that the Budweiser clydsdale rig full on with the Dolmation was going down State street! again no picture( I should really get a smart phone----NOT
here is Erik practicing our Eichens Yoga poses
here are a few more photos of the class
Monkey Bar Gym
Jon down a wall press up
the other room at Monkey Bar WI
Jesse doing a reggie pullup(super hard)
I am glad to be back home really missed my girls
Welcome back Jay! We're looking forward for many interesting post from you and also for updates. Have a great weekend. Cheers!